Sasha Aguilera

Design Ambassador

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Sasha Aguilera, GRP, B.Arch (Hons)

Design Ambassador

With more than 17 years of industry experience, Sasha is one of Canada’s leading green roof consultants. Having worked with designers on roofs of various complexities, Sasha is a trusted advisor, knowledgeable on the latest trends, municipal policies and best practices concerning the green roof industry.  In addition to her vast practical experience working on projects from coast-to-coast, Sasha was a key participant in the research consortium that developed the first national wind testing standard for vegetated roofing CSA A123.24. Additionally, Aguilera has authored numerous articles, one of which received CSC’s F. Ross Browne Award in 2017. An experienced speaker and recognized education provider, Sasha has made hundreds of presentations to planners, architects, engineers, designers and developers helping educate them how to meet policy and standards and about green infrastructure and sustainable design.  


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