Engineering Vegetated Roofing Systems to Optimize Stormwater Management 2.0

June 12, 2024 1-2 PM ET




As Canadian cities are increasingly embracing nature-based solutions to manage stormwater, green infrastructure such as green roofs play an ever-important role in meeting water balance, quality and quantity control targets. In this webinar, we will explain how green roofs contribute to water balance requirements, through initial abstraction and irrigation reuse, as set out by the Toronto Green Standard and the Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines. We will describe how to design detention green roofs through modeling to meet quantity control targets, recognize opportunities and limitations. Finally, we will demonstrate, via a case study, the cost savings brought about by detention green roof and illustrate the importance of a multi-disciplinary design approach.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  1. Engineer green roof systems to meet water balance and quantity control targets.
  2. Apply green roofs to achieve water balance via initial abstraction and irrigation reuse.
  3. Design friction-detention green roofs through modeling to meet quantity control goals.
  4. Identify detention green roof opportunities and the associated space and cost savings.
  5. Adopt a multi-disciplinary approach to designing green roofs for stormwater management.

Proof of Attendance will be issued after each presentation for:
PEO Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credit
OALA Continuing Education (CE) Credit
OAA Structured Learning ConEd Credit
AIBC Core Learning Unit (LU)
BCSLA Continuing Education (CE) Credit
EGBC Continuing Education (CE) Hour

What Engineers Are Saying

“The presentation was great, very informative. Appreciated the time to answer all questions.” Carolina Daza Ortiz, P. Eng, Metrolinx

“Good informative session.” Wadah Al-Yassiri, City of Windsor

“Very beneficial & informative hour.” Ali Al-Shalah, DS Consultants

“Really informative session.” Thiru Siva Thirupparan, M.Eng., P.Eng.

“Great information.” Ahmed Al Obaidy, P.Eng., Dora Engineering


Karen Liu, PhD Green Roof Specialist

Sasha Aguilera, GRP Design Ambassador




More than 2.5 M SQFT supplied coast to coastNext Level Stormwater Management logo in bold blue with logo above in blue and green

Next Level Stormwater Management  is Canada’s leading supplier of pre-vegetated roofs such as LiteN’Less™, Xeroflor® and StormCap™ systems. We customize to local requirements and offer warranty and maintenance support. Our team provides analytical support such as ​stormwater calculations specific to location ​and building/roof type. As a Purple-Roof partner, Next Level Stormwater Management has access to the latest green roof stormwater test data and related innovative hydrologic modeling tool.

Email or call (416) 637-5772 for stormwater calculations specific to your project.